how do I login?
In order for you to login you need to be registered.
how do I register?
Click on ‘login’ in the main navigation bar and select ‘new client? register now.’ Alternatively, you will be able to browse the website without registering, but will be prompted to login when you wish to see an enlarged image or use the board function.
Once you’ve selected ‘register now’ a registration form will appear which you need to fill in, making sure that all the mandatory fields marked with an ‘*’ have been completed. After reading our terms and conditions, check the box and send the form by clicking on the ‘register now’ button. An e-mail response confirming your account details and password will be sent to you within seconds and you need to click on the link ‘click here’ as directed to complete registration.
what if I forget my password?
Go to the login page, simply click on ‘forgotten password’ and you will be asked to supply your login email address. An email will be sent to you with a link to reset your password. Click on link to reset.
how do I change my details?
Once logged in, click on your account name and go to ‘profile’. Fill in the changes you’d like to make and click ‘submit’. A message will appear confirming that your details have been updated.
what if I don’t receive a confirmation e-mail?
Please contact or tel: +44 (0) 1428 605841 and we will be able to help.
what if I can’t login after registering?
Check that you are using the correct login email address and double-check your password. If you are still having difficulty please contact or tel: +44 (0) 1428 605841 and we will be able to help.